Imagine & in one platform

Customer support

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Customer support chatbox
Customer support
Live chat, AI bot, and ticketing to handle customer queries.
Automated messaging to reach your customers wherever they are.
Messaging automation
Automate marketing, transactional, newsletter & behavioral messages.
Collect feedback forms, manage feedback with a public roadmap.
Customer support features
Customer support
Everything you need to delight your customers when they need your help.
Provide quality customer support with minimal effort

Maximize customer satisfaction and reduce need for human intervention

Xoal Ai chatbot
AI chatbot
Resolve customer queries without human intervention using an AI chatbot trained on your data.
Add Xoal live chat to your website
Live chatbot
Chat live with your customers to answer their question to improve customer experience with instant attention to needs.
Easily create and assign support tickets on Xoal
Convert a conversation to a ticket to resolve at pace with your team and automatically keep the customer in the loop.
AI chatbot

Resolve customer queries with the help of AI with minimal or no human intervention.

Resolve customer queries with YOUR data
Use data from your Google docs, Coda, notion, PDF and websites to answer customer questions using AI.
Xoal connect multiple data to train Kota in answering customer queries using AI
Marketing automation feature

Customer Journey & Messaging Automation

Send behavioral & event-triggered, transactional & newsletter messages across Email, SMS, Push, WhatsApp, Slack & in-app notification inbox.

Automated paths: Send customer through an automated multi-channel messaging path. Enhance customer experience with custom logic and personalize with first-party data.
Newsletter: Send one-time broadcast, newsletter and announcement to customer segments without switching tools.
Transactional messages: Send password rest, order confirmation and many more using email, push, SMS, etc.
Create data-driven customer journey automation on Xoal
No limit on messaging

No need to switch between different messaging tools. Send messages to your customers when they take actions on third-party tools.

Respond to events on external tools
Automate messaging when an action is taken on third-party apps. For instance, send an SMS when a customer schedules a meeting on Calendly or an abandoned art email when a customer abandons cart on Shopify.
Trigger automation using events from third-party tools
Omnichannel messaging

In addition to Email, SMS, Push notifications and WhatsApp, you can integrate custom communication channels like app notification inbox and messenger into your product

Notification inbox
Add notification inbox to your website or app. Send customers messages they are most likely to open.
Add Xoal's in-app notification center to your app to send messages right within your app
Add a customizable messenger widget to your website to communicate with your customers.
Automate messaging via message widgets
Most organizations use Slack, your customers do as well; message them right where they work using your own slack app.
xoal send slack to your customers
A no-code visual editor for building workflows
Build custom bots to automate support tasks, advanced messaging workflows with our no-code visual editor
Messaging automation - automate customer journey such as onboarding
Feedback automation features

Collect feedback & entries using widget forms and/or shareable full-page forms.

Collect feedback with forms
Create forms that work on the messenger widget, embeddable in a webpage and shareable with unique form links.
Create embeddable & shareable with unique form links.

Publish a public roadmap to show customers what you are working on, completed or plan to work on next.

Public roadmap
Show your customers what you are working on, completed, or plan to work on with your own custom domain.
A public roadmap on your own domain to manage user feedback
Changelog & news

A public changelog to announce product updates, bug fixes, etc.

Public news & changelog
A public page to announce product updates, news and product changelog.
A public page to announce product updates, news and product changelog.
Customer data

Do more with customer data, from segmentation to workflow control, and personalization with liquid and many more.

Personalize customer experience with customer data; attribute, events and more
Personalize messages with customer data, events, and custom object. Use liquid and merge tags to deliver relevant messages.
Personalize customer experience with customer's preferred language and timezone
Send messages in customer's preferred language & timezone to get increased engagement, improved customer loyalty, and higher conversion rates.
Trigger workflow with user data, and events
Data workflow
Trigger when a customer performs an action, on customer attribute changes and control workflows with customer data.
Integrates with any tool
Bring data from tools you already use like Stripe & Calendly, CDPs like Segments and data warehouses like BigQuery.
Xoal integrates with any tool to automate messages, customer engagement and customer support
A/B testing

Automate testing for forms, newsletter contents & workflow paths to optimize marketing efforts. Measure variants to see what works.

Custom objects

Represent real business cases like courses, products, feedbacks, etc, and associate them to a customer, or company.

Customer segmentation

Create logical customer segmentations to group customers who share similar attributes, performed similar events, have similar custom objects relationship, etc.